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Northwick Parent Partnership

The Northwick Parent Partnership (NPP) was established in 2009-10.  It consists of parent/carer  volunteers and staff.  Mrs Stanley (Deputy Head Teacher) reviews all minutes and supports our meetings. The school has held the 'Leading Parent Partnership Award' for the past six years which is due to its firm commitment to building strong relationships with parents. Please see the link at the bottom of this page for further information about the award.


  • To enhance the relationship and communication between school and parents.
  • To support & encourage parents/carers to become involved in the development of the school for the benefit of the children.

NNP is our parent voice.  We are a group of parent volunteers who gather your views, queries, and comments about what school is doing well and what school could do better.  We help to find answers to your questions or solutions to school-wide issues which are fed back to you via a regular newsletter. 

Suggestions parents make via the NPP are discussed with school, and if possible, changes are made.  We are not a decision-making body, but are a voice for parents.  Anyone can join.

To view our newletters please click on the document at the bottom of this page.



We have created a booklet for new parents


NPP stand at Parent evenings.

The LPPA - Leading Parent Partnership Award

This award helps us to work in partnership with all parents and carers. Increasing parental participation in school life leads to improved pupil progress, punctuality, attendance and behaviour. The framework encourages parents to be involved in their children's learning leading to improved outcomes in all aspects of school life.


We are due to be reassessed in January 2021. By keeping up the award we are delivering outstanding engagement for all groups of parents. Take a look at our last reassessment report below.

LPPA Reassessment Report

Family Activities
