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Year 2 ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-2015

Welcome to Year 2


From September 2015

Class Teacher Teaching Assistant
2SP Mrs Palmer Mrs Stallard
2VR Miss Racic Mrs Smith

Mrs Garbett/Mrs Willerton

Mrs Adams

Additional Teaching Assistant Support Mrs P. Aucott/Mrs Marshall-Watkins

Year 2 Topics

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Smoothies Homes and Buildings Explorers Past & Present
Poetry Electricity Textiles-Beanie Babies
Instructions Multi-media Presentations Report Writing
Health and Growth Roald  Dahl Plants and Animals
Bevere Island Changing Materials Sea Creatures
Stories with a familiar setting Contemporary sculpture Report Writing

Surgery Times

If you have a specific issue you wish to discuss with your child's teacher they will be available between 3.15pm - 4.00 pm on the following days.

2SP Mrs Palmer  - Tuesday
2VR Miss Racic - Tuesday

2GW Mrs Garbett/Mrs Willerton - Tuesday or Thursday




Please follow the link below to the English & Maths levelling and guidance documents which can be found under their  subject headings

AUTUMN TERM 2015-2016




During the summer term we study the life of Christopher Columbus and the impact his exploration had on the world.  We compare his journeys to those of our own modern day sailor Ellen McArthy and her round the world record, with all the modern technology and navigational maps that were available to her.  Our visit from the History Man, Mr Cadle was informative and exciting. 





We have created observational drawings of items such as fir comes, shells and dried flowers and created collages using similar materials. 


We have produced fact files on sea creatures and countries.  We learn about living things and their habitats which includes a visit to the Sea Life Centre. 





Our mantle The Deadly 60 will find us researching and animal and presenting the information in a video report.


Transition Work






This term we have studied buildings over the course of history including Celtic, Tudor and Georgian styles including the artefacts that would be found in them.  We were able to study first hand the architecture of some buildings on our trip into the City, particularly the Cathedral, Grey Friars and the Guildhall.


In science we have looked at the properties and characteristics of various materials and suitable uses.


We have studied the works of Paul Klee and James Rizzi and created art work in their styles.




We have concentrated on using two adjective sentences and maintaining the same tense in our story writing and also using (BOYS) but, or, yet and so to create a more complex sentence.  



We started the term with a lovely trip to the Think Tank as part of our science topic Health and Growth.  The  engaging displays made for an exciting day.  You may like to follow the link below to get an insight into the Birmingham Think Tank.



Back in school our project was to set up our own smoothie company.  We visited the Co-op to establish the cost, type  and quantity of items required to create some delicious recipes.  We made our smoothies, evaluated them, produced instructions and recorded adverts. 





We have been reading the Katie Morag Island Stories as the island theme runs into our history and geography project looking at Bevere Island.  We are creating timetables and costs of cruises for our imaginary Boat Cruise Company.



Our PE has included gymnastics, balance work and ball skills.  In art we have studied and drawn fruit in a range of mediums.


We have learnt, recited and put actions to  poetry and loved our topic The Animals Who Escaped from the Zoo.



R.E. This term has been learning about the 10 Commandments, Moses and the crossing of the Red Sea and the Seder Plate.



Year 2 classes will be participating in Forest School this year.

Whatever the weather...........!!!!



Follow this link for timetables


If this link is not working please navigate to: Parents/Curriculum/Forest Schools









Please visit this excellent educational website which the school subscribes to allowing all pupils free home access.  The logon details are the same as those used to logon to the computers in school and should be familiar to your child.  All activity is recorded, please encourage children to use it responsibly, it is a valuable learning tool.


Link to EducationCity

