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Welcome to Year 6


Teaching Team from September 2020


    Class                      Teachers                                     Learning Assistants                
6TLMrs Lawrence

Mrs. Lewis   Mrs. Garlick

Mrs. Warburton   


6SCMr Colley
6BDMiss Dearden






Contact us via email:


Year 6 Long-Term Curriculum Overview


Century learning.

Here are your school's free CENTURY access codes for learning resources in English, maths and science, all aligned to the National Curriculum: 

  1. Share the class codes below with your parents. We have provided a separate class code for each year group below.
  2. Ask parents to visit
  3. They will need to enter their class code along with their child's email address. If a child does not have an email address, we recommend setting one up. 
  4. The account is created and children can start learning straight away. CENTURY will provide them with a personalised learning path tailored to their skills and knowledge. 


Year 6 -  3JZAF4

As a social enterprise, CENTURY has pledged to give our platform free of charge to any school affected by coronavirus.

This is not a trial and there is no charge. You will have access while schools are closed and until you all manage to settle back into school again.

The more that you read, the more things you will know. 

The more that you learn, the more places you will go.

  Dr Seuss

Year 6 Context for Learning Highlights

Autumn Term

  • Residential French Trip
  • History: WWII
  • Severn Valley Evacuees Railway Trip
  • English WWII Texts
  • Dance Lindy Hop
  • Art of Henry Moore
  • Gymnastics/Invasion Games
  • RE: Places of worship
  • DT Door Stops
  • Science: Living things and their habitat.  Evolution and inheritance.
  • Enterprise:  WW11 Coffee Morning




Spring Term

  • History: The Civil War
  • Geography: Mountains
  • SAT's preparation
  • English: Kensuke's Kingdom
  • Science: Animals including humans / Light
  • Art: Buildings
  • DT: Bread
  • RE: Humanism
  • Dance: West Side Story
  • Gymnastics/Invasion Games




Summer Term

  • Geography: South America
  • Art: Picasso
  • Science: Electricity
  • English: Research project on South America.  Stories which make you feel uneasy
  • RE: What does religion say to us when life gets hard?
  • Year 6 Production
  • Fielding and Striking Games/Athletics
  • DT: Movable Vehicles.



English Activities

Reading and Spelling


Try to read as regularly as you can.

Choose 10 words from the spelling lists we gave you to practise/revise daily.  Ask a parent/sibling to test you at the end of the week. 

'5 a day' Maths Calculations

Are you getting your 5 a day?  Visit this website to keep your maths skills sharp!  Solve 5 different calculations each day.  You can challenge yourself with different levels of difficulty (bronze, silver, gold and platinum) and if you need help, there are online videos and tutorials to watch.




Topic Activities 13-7-20

Rivers MAT Home Learning

Below you will find a link to some French stories you can listen to.
Take a look at the Video Resource Centre under the Children heading and watch the video of the children in one of their Music lessons.