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The Rivers C of E Multi Academy Trust

Northwick Manor Primary School joined The Rivers CofE Academy Trust in 2016 and is one of sixteen schools in the trust.  All schools eligible for Ofsted inspection have been graded Good or Outstanding and all our church schools have been identified as Good or Excellent.


The Rivers CofE Academy Trust is a family of schools that celebrates individual character. Our schools may have different systems, pedagogies and climates, but we aim to share the same learning culture. Fundamentally, we understand the need to focus on learning and the impact of teaching.


Our mission is Extraordinary Education - Extraordinary People - Extraordinary Futures.


Through an extraordinary education, we empower pupils to be life-long learners and see their limitless potential. Respectful relationships and an unwavering focus on discovering talents and interests, enable pupils to flourish and be v. Together, we spark aspiration and drive achievement so that pupils contribute positively to society and their extraordinary futures in an ever-changing world.



We will achieve our vision if:

  • The community is passionate about learning.

  • Everyone’s point of view is heard and appreciated.

  • The curriculum is engaging, inspiring and challenging for all learners.

  • Children experience outstanding learning and teaching enabling them to excel within a vibrant, happy and safe learning environment.


A Culture of Collaboration

The Rivers Academy Trust will be a connected learning community where collaboration is key to providing the best learning opportunities through a meaningful curriculum where children and adults acquire the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes to prepare and strengthen them for their role in society: today, tomorrow and in the future.



STAR Values

Our shared culture is driven by shared values and core principles. Within our family of schools, we are united by our STARS values. These are the characteristics and behaviours that we ALL share.

  • Sharing (reflecting together, collaboration, relationships, communication, responsive, synergy)
  • Trust (openness, transparency, faith, support, family, democratic, supportive challenge, beyond the ego, clarity, no conflict of interests)
  • Achievement (high aspirations and expectations, progress, standards, the best we can be, independence, sense of pride, feeling valued, social, moral, spiritual, cultural, academic, fulfilled)
  • Respect (tolerance, inclusive, appreciating difference and the need for change, embracing views of all members of the community, British values)
  • Safety (wellbeing, healthy body and mind, security and confidence, develop character, everyone being aware and prepared, developing a growth mindset, resilience, grit, facing challenges, risk-taking)


As a trust, we operate with a ‘Christian ethos’ and within our family of schools, we have community and religious schools, welcoming families from all faiths and no faiths.


Responsibility and Accountability

The Rivers C of E Academy Trust is a family of schools bound together by:

  • A commitment towards the common vision through embracing the core values

  • A board of Directors that is committed to developing and strengthening a culture of collaboration

  • A board of Directors that adheres to the legal responsibilities towards inspiring individual excellence for all learners across the Trust.

Compliance and Statutory Duties for Websites.


Please visit the Rivers CofE Website for Annual Reports and accounts, Trustee Names, Funding Agreement etc.


