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Community Cohesion/Links

Community Cohesion


At Northwick Manor we recognise that community cohesion means working towards a society in which there is a common vision and sense of belonging by all communities: where backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and valued; equality is embraced and strong and positive relationships are nurtured in the workplace in school and in the wider community.


Our school's role is crucial. By creating opportunities for pupils' achievement and enabling every child to achieve their potential, our school makes a significant contribution to long term community cohesion.


We recognise that cohesion is important in avoiding the effects of all forms of intolerance and building bridges between different groups, ensuring respect for diversity.


Our schools curriculum recognises, where possible the need to promote community cohesion including across different cultures, ethnic, religious or non-religious and socio-economic groups.


We will regularly review our current practice, identify any gaps and devise an action plan to address these in order to promote community cohesion. We will monitor our progress towards our aims and review our provision on an annual basis.

Community Cohesion – School Project


Northwick Manor maintains links with two regional schools. St James’ Primary school, Malvern and Greet Primary School, Birmingham. This link started over four years ago and has been sustained and developed since.


The benefits include that both our link schools are very different form Northwick Manor and all three schools enrich each other.   St James’ is much smaller than Northwick and Greet with approximately 100 children. The school is set into the Malvern Hills with a roof top playground from which the  hills can be accessed.  Visits to the school often include a walk and picnic on the hills.  Greet is a four form entry teaching school therefore, bigger than Northwick and classed as inner city; the  school is also multi–cultural.


Year groups involved in the project has varied. The link involves each school hosting a day.  These days are hugely valuable in terms of the children mixing and sharing each other’s learning experiences and environments. Activities during the day often include dancing drama and sport all activities which will support interaction between the children.



Community Links

Some of the other links we have made:-

  • Worcester University

  • Worcester Sixth Form College

  • Heart of Worcestershire College

  • Local High Schools – Kings, RGS, Bishop Perowne, Tudor Grange, Christopher Whitehead, Blessed Edwards, Riverside

  • Local Primary Schools – St Barnabas, Perdiswell, St. Georges CE, Claines, Rivers Multi Academy Trust Schools

  • Local Feeder Nurseries

  • Local Churches – St Stephens Church

  • Charities

  • French pupils- visiting/pen pals - currently working on developing further links
  • Business’s- Tesco/Mazak/Npower/Co-op/DHL/ASDA/
  • Police –  forensics,stranger danger, anti- social behaviour& internet safety/ illegal money lending team

  • Sports – Bishop Perowne, Kings, RGS, Tae Kwondo Club, Karate Club, Worcester Cricket Club, Worcester Warriors, Dancefest, Worcester University, Tennis Club, Raven Golf Club, Police – rugby training and tournament, Swimming pool – gala and lessons

  • Worcester Blooms

  • Mr Cadle – The History Man

  • Radio Wyvern and BBCHereford and Worcester

  • Ben Heason – International rock climber-aspirations

  • WCC Cycling proficiency

  • Parental links-Fireman visit/Grandparents – WW2/Dentist/Doctor/Muslim parent etc

  • British Legion-WW2 talks

  • Local Newspapers – Worcester Evening News, Messenger

  • WWC Music Service (Worcester Youth)-Proms in the Park/demonstration assemblies/Play to Learn

  • Music tuition from Gerdy McCrea ,Shirley Goodwin and Laura Golding

  • School Nurse

  • WCC-Road Safety

  • West Mercia Army

  • Worcester Cathedral

  • The Hive- City library

  • Waterstones bookshop

  • The Vue Cinema

  • Northwick Sale

  • Hippodrome Birmingham

Community Cohesion Flyers

Thank You

to our Community Partners



Simon Fall-Taylor FT Images

