School Uniform
Our uniform plays a very important part in giving our school its identity. It helps develop loyalty and pride in belonging to Northwick Manor Primary School. We are very grateful when parents support the wearing of the uniform and when they ensure children come to school in the correct and appropriate uniform. All uniform and book bags can be purchased from Schooltogs except our school PE tracksuit that can be purchased from Kitz U.K. Ltd. at the following secure link
The school will hold a second hand uniform sale each term. Clothes will be sold for a small donation. If anyone has any school clothes/shoes/trainers, in good condition, to donate for the sales please take the to the school office.
All belongings should be clearly named.
Hair Accessories and Styles
To be neat and tidy and long hair should be tied back for safety reasons. Plain blue or black hair bands and bobbles should be worn to school. Large bows and colourful hairbands are not suitable. We would also ask that hair is neat and tidy and not an extreme style. Colourants are not allowed unless special permission is given i.e. for fund raising events.
Children in Reception, year one, year two and year three should not bring rucksacks to school. The cloakrooms are not large enough to accommodate them. Children should just bring a book bag, drink and lunchbox (if needed).
Children in year three to six may bring one small rucksack. The cloakrooms are not large enough to accommodate large rucksacks.
Winter Uniform
Girls | Boys |
Grey school skirt/grey pinafore/grey school trousers Gold polo Shirt Navy Blue sweatshirt/sweatshirt cardigan Dark tights/white or grey socks |
Grey school trousers Gold polo shirts Navy Blue sweatshirt Grey socks |
Sensible black shoes - No fashion shoes, trainer shoes, trainers or boots.
Summer Uniform
Girls | Boys |
Navy Blue checked dress or or cardigan
| Gold polo shirt Grey school trousers/grey school shorts Navy Blue school sweatshirt Grey socks |
Sensible summer shoes colour blue/brown/black (No fashion shoes, trainers or boots)
PE Kit
Indoor | Outdoor |
Black/Navy school shorts White Polo t-shirt/white school t-shirt Indoor lessons will be done barefooted (black pumps may be worn on medical grounds if a letter is sent to school) | Navy school shorts/Black shorts grass work. NB:- leggings or short cycling shorts are not suitable. |
ALL kit must be well labelled. Kits will be worn into school on PE days. Please make sure that children wear their PE shorts and PE t-shirts under their tracksuit. Children are allowed to wear items without the school logo but these must to plain black for shorts and tracksuits, plain white for t shirt.
Autumn Term - Year 5 Spring Term - Year 4 Summer Term - Year 3 Long hair should always be tied back and a cap worn |
For information regarding clothing and timing please go to Forest Schools under the Parent header
The school gates are opened at 8.45am. Parents are asked to ensure their child’s safety until that time. Children come into the classroom where teaching staff are present to greet them. Parent/carers are requested not to enter the building for health and safety reasons. Gates are locked at 8.55 am
Children arriving after 8.55 must enter through the main Reception and sign in the late arrival book.
8.20 - Staff attend a morning briefing (Monday/Wednesday)
8.45 - Children come into the classroom and are supervised by teaching staff
8.50 - Registration
9.00 - Assembly
10.30 - KS1 break time
11.00 - KS2 break time
10.50 - EYFS break time
12.15 - Lunchtime EYFS
12.30 - Lunchtime KS1 & Year 3
1pm - Lunchtime KS2
1.15 - Afternoon lessons begin for EYFS, KS1 & year 3
1.45 - Afternoon lessons begin for KS2
2.10 - KS1 break time
3.15 - End of school day
6 hours and 20 minutes per day.
Parents are asked to collect children promptly at the end of the day.
It is really important that every child has as full attendance as possible so that they have the very best chance to fulfil their potential. If your child has to be absent please ring or email ( to inform the school. A covering note should be sent on your child’s return to school. If your child has an infectious illness please let the school know as soon as possible.
Any absences not reported to school must be treated as unauthorised absence and recorded as such.
Children arriving after 8.55am will be marked as late.
The Education Welfare Officer will be notified of any children who are persistently late/absent. All attendance data is sent to the Local Authority weekly. Every school’s attendance figures are published nationally. Records of attendance will be published on individual children’s reports.
Unavoidable visits to dentists, doctors, hospitals should be notified in advance and arrangements made for your child to be collected and returned to school. Children are not allowed out of school unless accompanied by a parent or guardian who should collect the child from the main Reception.
We ask you not to take children out of school during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Leave of absence forms are available from the office or can be downloaded from this website and we ask you to fill them in and return them to the Head teacher at least four weeks before the planned absence. Any leave of absence over 6 days will automatically incur a fine, regardless of attendance. A request for leave of absence that is 5 days or less will be unauthorised (unless in exceptional circumstances outlined in our policy) and will not incur a fine, so long as attendance has previously been good i.e in excess of 93%. Fines are set by the LA as £60 per pupil for adult for the first 21 days absent. Therefore, if you request a leave of absence for a holiday for your two children for 6 days or more up to 21 days, the fine incurred would be £240.00.
Contact forms are taken on trips and visits and it is essential that they are up to date as there are occasions when we need to contact parents/carers. It is important that we are informed of any change of address telephone/mobile numbers of parent/carers and place of employment. To notify us immediately of any changes please ask for a form from the School office or download one from the school website.
There should be no parking or waiting on the zigzag lines or on the other side of the road immediately opposite the entrance as congestion in this area is dangerous.
The main school entrance paths should be used for parents and children to come down to school. All parents are reminded that the car park should not be used at any time. Children’s safety must come first!
Please contact the police to report any road safety incidents that occur outside the school boundary.
The school adheres to the Health & Safety Guidance relating to accessibility and have a rolling programme of improvements.
We do not allow dogs onto the school grounds. We also request that, if you do wish to bring your dog with you to collect your child, you wait well away from the school entrance. Dogs should never be left tied to the school fences. In the past children have been known to step out into the road rather than face a dog on the pavement; this could of course have tragic consequences.
The school operates a non-smoking policy. Please do not smoke anywhere within the school grounds.
First Aiders will deal with accidents and emergencies. In the case of serious incidents or illness parents will be contacted immediately.
Only medication/creams prescribed by a doctor can be administered in school. Parents should bring the medicine into the school office and complete a form giving permission for the medicine to be administered (form also available for download on school website). Personal medications are kept in a locked cabinet in the school office. Please do not provide your child with any non prescribed medicines, such as paracetamol, cold sore cream, medicated creams or cough sweets. They are a danger to any younger children that might accidently come into contact with them.
Being a parent or carer is a special but sometimes difficult job. The school nursing team are here to help you. Your school nurse is well placed to build relationships with children, young people, parents and schools, helping to improve the health and welfare of children now and in the future.
The School Nurse has regular drop in sessions at school dates of which are given on the school newsletter.
School nurse
Parents are able to contact the school nurse directly.
Please contact the school office for details.
A qualified nurse with further specialist training, and a public health role.
A member of the Primary Care Team.
Able to refer or signpost you onto other appropriate professionals or support groups.
Offering a confidential service to parents and school age children.
The following web link will provide further information of this service.
The School Health Nurse is available to help and support with health and other related issues during regular drop in sessions.
Consent will be sought from parents/carers for all eye/hearing tests and national measurement programme.
In the event of a case of head lice being identified a class letter will be sent home.
We have regular recorded practices so that children and staff know what to do in the event of a real fire or lockdown.
Milk (third of a pint carton) is available at morning playtime for those who wish to benefit from a special EU subsidy. All children under the age of 5 receive free milk. The school will be using Cool Milk to supply milk, please ask for a registration form from the school office or visit their website
All children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack which they can eat at break time (not chocolate or crisps). Free fruit is provided for children in EYFS and KS1 at a different time during the day.
The school always encourages healthy eating and would welcome your support. Children should bring a bottle of water every day to have on their tables during the day, squash is not permitted.
From September 2014 all KS1 children are entitled to a free school lunch. All children have a choice to bring a packed lunch or have a school lunch. School lunches are paid for in advance. The menu runs on a three weekly rota so you and your child are aware of what is available (menus can be viewed on the school website). Water is provided with a school lunch. Water is also available for children eating a packed lunch but please provide a containers or flask and ensure they are unbreakable, leak proof and named. (Cans, glass bottles and conventional flasks are not allowed in school for safety reasons).
We are very lucky to have a dedicated team of lunchtime supervisors who work hard to ensure all pupils eat healthily and have a relaxed and enjoyable lunch time. We also have a five star rated kitchen. Any queries concerning any issues with lunchtime should contact Mrs Tina Lewis, our School Manager.
Some children may be entitled to free lunches supplied by the Local Authority. Children of parents in receipt of Supplementary Benefit or Family Income Supplement may qualify and an application form is available from Worcestershire County Council. Lunches are provided by our kitchen.
Please make sure all your child’s belongings are clearly marked with their name. We amass large amounts of lost clothing every term and most of it is unnamed. All lost property that is labelled is given back to the child. Parents /carers are given access to lost property every Friday and at the end of each term it is placed outside Reception for children/parents to view. Any unnamed lost property is given to charity or put in the recycle charity bins at the end of each term. Parents should be aware that responsibility for property rests with the owner of the property and not the school.
Health and Safety is an important element of life in school. For safety reasons no jewellery should be worn except a watch, studs and sleepers for children with pierced ears (one earring on each ear). All earrings have to be taped over for physical activities.
Bikes may be ridden to school. Please push the bikes once on the school property. Bike racks are available on the school premises. Securing the bike is the responsibility of the owner. Do not secure bikes to the school fences. Scooters are not allowed on the school premises.
There are occasions when children are permitted to bring in a game or toy from home. The school cannot be responsible for the safety of these items and we ask that children do not bring in anything of either monetary or sentimental value.
In many cases, images taken in school form an important part of family albums. Everything possible will be done to ensure that this tradition continues. Parents are welcome to take images of their own children at award ceremonies, concerts/shows and sporting events, with the permission of the Headteacher.
Parents/carers must ensure that:
Year 5 and 6 children are permitted to bring a mobile phone into school with the consent of their parents/carers. It must be handed to the class teacher at the beginning of the day and collected at 3.15 the school cannot be responsible for its safety.
No other device with the capacity to connect to the internet is permitted in school ie smart watches, ipads, fitbits etc.
Children are more than welcome to wear analogue or digital watches which encourage children to learn how to tell the time.
All staff, teaching and non-teaching play an active role in the care of children in our school but specific responsibility lies with the child’s teacher who will always be prepared to liaise with parents.
A child protection policy is in place, which fulfils the Children’s Act (1989) and has been approved by the school’s governing body. Parents should be aware that the school is legally bound to report any concerns regarding a child’s welfare to the relevant agency. Due to the confidential nature of Child Protection information any records linked with child abuse are protected by Education Regulations 1989.
All teaching staff receive child protection training. Additional support is given by:-
We are committed to a close working partnership between school and home. Co-operation and understanding between parents and the school is a key factor in a child’s development. We have a home school agreement which helps us to work together. We will work very hard to build and maintain positive relationships. We try to keep everyone well informed by sending out a calendar of events, a newsletter (also available by email) and regular letters regarding trips and special events. We also use this website and text alerts to send reminders and information about school. The school is also very proud of our ‘Northwick Parent Partnership Committee’ (NPP) who work closely with the parents to enhance communication between parents and school. More information can be found on our Website. Through our work with the NPP we have been awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award for outstanding achievement.
Parents are always welcome to contact staff. If you wish to discuss a matter at length please arrange an appointment so sufficient time can be set aside to address specific issues. Each member of staff holds a surgery once a week which you are welcome to use. Times are available on the Class Pages of our Website. Messages can also be left at the office.
You may wish to speak to the Year Group Leader, if the class teacher is unable to resolve a matter and can contact the school office or the Year Group Leader to make an appointment with them. Should you wish to see the Headteacher every effort will be made to accommodate that wish as speedily as possible. Please contact the main office for an appointment. You are also at liberty to contact the Chair of Governors or the Executive Head of the Rivers Multi-Academy Trust. By working together we can ensure the very best for your children.
Each child’s progress is informally and formally assessed whilst they are in school. We also look at their potential ability and use this as a tool for delivering appropriate teaching and learning targets. Their progress will be carefully recorded and tracked over the key stages.
Each academic year parents/carers are invited to a Parent/Carer/Child Evening to discuss their child’s progress and targets and a comprehensive, individual report is sent home in July. Please notify the school if you require additional copies of reports.
We always have lots of parents willing to give time helping in many different ways. Their contribution is invaluable and their presence in school helps foster a true family atmosphere, which everyone benefits from. Parents are asked to work across the school in a variety of classes but not in their own child’s class, this is to prevent any disruption.
If you would like to help in school either on a regular basis or from time to time please mention this to your child’s teacher, to the staff in the school office or to Mrs Stanley (Deputy Head for Partnerships – email All volunteers will need a valid DBS check to work regularly within school.
We welcome visitors to our school. We will act to ensure it remains a safe place for pupils, staff and all other members of our community. If you have concerns we will always listen to them and seek to address them. Please be aware, however, that abusive, threatening or violent behaviour will not be tolerated in this school.