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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4


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Year 4 Teaching Team from September 2018

Class Teacher Learning Assistant
4EB Mrs Bell Mrs Tustin
4BD Miss Dearden Mrs Pullen
4PH Mr Hampton Mrs Hunt

Year 4 Topics

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
The Tudors Imaginary Worlds Mantle India/Hindusim
Report Writing/Poetry Torch Making Stories from other cultures
Pop-up Books Ancient Egypt Malvern Trip
Visit Harvington Hall Electricity/Sound Digestive System/Habitats
States of Matter   Clarinets/Ukelele Concert




Surgery Times

If you have a specific issue you wish to discuss with your child's teacher they will be available between

3.15 pm - 4.00 pm on the following days.


4PH Mr Hampton - Tuesday

4BD Miss Dearsden   - Tuesday
4EB Mrs Bell   -  Tuesday





What a great way to start the term with our adventure to Malvern Outdoor Centre.  The children were amazing and learnt a lot about themselves as they completed many scary challenges.  During the days they reflected on how they had regularly called upon the schools 7r's to complete each section.


Resilience, reflectiveness, readiness to learn, relationships, responsibility, risk taking and resourcefulness. 



















Possibly one of the children’s favourite terms as many of our topics focus on the fabulous, imaginary world of Harry Potter.  We have studied and written our own character descriptions.  Enjoyed stretching our own imaginations with weird and wonderful story settings.





We have learnt new science skills to create our ‘Harry Potter’ torches, learnt to draw dragons,  and used green screen technique to fly on our broomsticks !!!!






In our Computing lessons we have begun to create an imaginary creature combining, manipulating and layering images.


The children also created their own imaginary world dioramas. 










Kevon Brooke, local author and Seraphim Bryant, illustrator, delivered a wonderful workshop, enthusing the children with activities to develop their writing process skills based on the book Max & Luchia - The Game Makers.






We have continued with our swimming instruction and created our own set of rules, to play the game of Quidditch (the flying aspect was proving impossible!)


Play to Learn lessons with  ukulele and clarinet are working to towards a performance for parents and carers.


In maths we are focusing on multiplication and division as we head towards the first national Multiplication Tests in June.  The children use the online app Timestables Rocks stars, everyone has their own account and we encourage them to use it regularly at home.



We started this term with Roald Dahl’s BFG and produced our own dream jars.  The children have now started reading Michael Morpurgo’s Wreck of the Zanzibar.







There have been some stunning sketches of eyes and spheres in art.








The children chose a county to research and produced an extended piece of home in a format of their choice.  They will then be presenting their new found knowledge to the class.




In science we have been learning about various states of matter including conducting experiments.




We have started our Tudor topic with a timeline to understand where the Tudor era fits in history. What is Henry VIII legacy and a class debate as to whether we consider him to have been a good or bad king.  We  are looking forward to our visit to the fine Elizabethan moated manor house, Harvington Hall where we will experience how the Tudors lived and learn a dance of the day.







In our States of matter topic we have carried out a number of experiments on various materials.  We have turned liquids in to gas and gas into liquids understanding the differences between condensation and evaporation.


Our non fiction text was based on the turtle.  The children produced some wonderful fact based posters and sketched leather head turtles, honing their shade and tone techniques.








Our DT project has been to design and create a pop up book.  Many have had a Christmas theme.














We have continued to improve our coding skills creating a math's quiz using the broadcasting event using the Scratch online software.


Our visit to Bishops Wood extended our knowledge of animal habitats.  We explored a number of different environments and considered the suitability for swimmers, flyers or climbers.








On our exciting India Day we had an opportunity to dress in Indian style clothing, taste a variety of traditional Indian foods, use Indian drums and watched the intricate patterns being created in henna  hand painting.  This topic has created many cross curricula links including studying some of their traditional tales.







This term in French the children have been using their creativity to design and make a puppet. The children have then written scripts and will be performing in front of their peers. They are using expressions to describe the outfits in a catwalk show. They are using adjectives to add detail to their sentences, having to remember the adjectival agreement rules and word order: elle porte une robe bleue.






What a great way to start the term with our adventure to Malvern Outdoor Centre.  The children were amazing and learnt a lot about themselves as they completed many scary challenges.  During the days they reflected on how they had regularly called upon the schools 7r's to complete each section.


Resilience, reflectiveness, readiness to learn, relationships, responsibility, risk taking and resourcefulness. 





























Our very popular topic this term was Imaginary Worlds.  We have been studying the text of Harry Potter and analysed an early version written by JK Rowling comparing it to the improved published piece and applied this skill to our own work.  Our medicinal herb research homework supported the creation of potions and spells.










Thank you to parents and carers who assisted the children in making wonderful dioramas (imaginary world in a shoe box) which were proudly displayed at parents evening.










In computing we used software to manipulate and combine a number of images to create a fantastic beast for our top trump cards.  We have also continued using Discovery Coding to continue developing our coding skills.


Our science focus has been to investigate how sound travels, how to change pitch and volume and why some instruments are lower or higher pitched than others.  We are also hoping to start our our electrical circuits topic and make torches using empty containers.


The children are learning to play either the clarinet or the ukulele as part of the FAME scheme and will perform in a concert later in the year.


We have studied what the earth is made from, how and why volcanoes exist and what the implications are for people and animals around them.


Our history topic has focused on the Ancient Egyptians, the amazing achievements of this ancient civilisation including hieroglyphics, time and measurement and one of the first to introduce fashionable clothing.



We have had a great start to the term with some fabulous topics.  Our English work began with a study of the works of Roald Dahl which the children really enjoy particularly his ‘made up’ words.  We created our own Dream Jars focusing on fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases which form part of the Spelling Punctuation and Grammar expectations.




Our history topic has been the life of Henry VIII.  We have discussed the need for power, protection, alliances with other countries and the necessity to have an heir to the throne which resulted in him marrying six times!  Also the legacy his reign left with the ruined buildings we now visit as a result of the dissolution of the monasteries and his navy.  We will be visiting Harvington Hall next week to experience, first hand, the lifestyle of the Tudors.


In science we have studies the three states of matter.  Solids, liquids and gas.  We ran an investigation on evaporation and as the colder weather arrives are seeing many examples of condensation.
