Home Page


Welcome to EYFS

From September 2016


Class Teacher Teaching Assistant
RMW Miss Mitchell/Mrs Warwick Mrs Hood
RVR Miss Racic Mrs Churchill
RHK Mrs Hartless/Mr Kelsey Mrs Simpson
RSP Mrs Shipley/Mrs Peever Mrs Young

Additional TA Support Mrs Adams/ Mrs Leeder

EYFS Topics

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Elmer the elephant    
The Gruffalo    
All about me and my family    
Funny bones and skeletons    
Autumn and Hedgehogs    

Surgery Times


If you have a specific issue you wish to discuss with your child's teacher they will be available either between 3.15pm - 4.00 pm or 8.00-8.30 am on the following days. You do not have to book an appointment.

RMW Mrs Warwick and Miss Mitchell- Wednesday am
RHK Mrs Hartless/Mr Kelsey - Wednesday am
RSP Mrs Shipley/Mrs Peever -
Wednesday am

RVR Miss Racic - Wednesday am






The children are thoroughly enjoying this terms topics.  We have studied the weather talking about hot and cold climates and identifying countries in atlases and on the globes.  There have been weather forecasts and using a computer programme we have dressed a character in suitable outfits.


Our dinosaur topic always creates a great deal of excitement.  We have sorted our herbivores from the carnivores and found out their scientific names and discussed how these gigantic beasts roamed our plant many millions of years ago.


We continue with our daily lessons on phonics and in maths we have been looking at weight and length and the terminology used.


The children have enjoyed their Forest School sessions and our stir fry whilst celebrating Chinese New Year.



Northwick Manor Primary Early Years Online Learning Journal

Link to Tapestry website



EYFS classes will be participating in Forest School this year.

Whatever the weather...........!!!!



We will advise you when Forest School sessions are to begin.  We hope to start after half term once the children have settled in, however they will definitely be on a regular day after Christmas.

RHS - Fri pm
RMW - Tue pm
RHD - Thurs pm


Phase 2 Letters and Sounds


Phase 3 Letters and Sounds


Please visit this excellent educational website which the school subscribes to allowing all pupils free home access.  The logon details are the same as those used to logon to the computers in school and should be familiar to your child.  All activity is recorded, please encourage children to use it responsibly, it is a valuable learning tool.


Link to EducationCity

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!

Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we've done, and more.
