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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


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Teaching Team from September 2018

Class Teacher Learning Assistant
1HS Mrs Stephens Mrs Harris/Miss Richards
1HK Mrs Hartless/Mr Kelsey Mrs King
1ZI Miss Ishaq Mrs Myers




Year 1 Topics

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Me and You Toys Local Area /Plants
Playgrounds Pizzas Great Fire Of London
Light & D Barnaby Bear Materials
Schools Past & Present Inside A Church Data Bases
Graphical Modelling Animal Classification Trip Rays Farm


Surgery Times

If you have a specific issue you wish to discuss with your child's teacher they will be available 
 between 3.15 pm - 4.00 pm on the following days.


1SH Mrs Stephens - Tuesday
1HK Mrs Hartless/Mr Kelsey - Wednesday  (2.50 pm - 3.25 pm)
1ZI Miss Ishaq - Tuesday 






The children started their Fire of London topic which is probably the most memorable one during their time at Northwick. Mr Cadle joined them for a fascinating day of history, gun powder and old fire hoses.  The best bit by far is when they witness the burning of the Tudor houses they created at home.










At the beginning of term we received a letter from Barnaby Bear, who is presently travelling around the world. We have been able to identify where his is. This lovely topic is cross curricula, from writing postcards and preparing fact files to the geographical aspect as the children learn about the seven continents. They are learning a super song to remember these facts. Why not follow the link below to hear the song, you might like to sing it at home!!!


youtube Link


Our art work reflects pointillism from France, Aboriginal art work from Australia and creating our own tartans of Scottish origin.


Maths focus has been on division and multiplication. In PE our movement is based on ‘wide, narrow and curled’, and outdoor curriculum bat and ball skills.


In Computing the children are beginning to understanding what an algorithm is. They are decomposing instructions and using themselves, and beebots, will learn to create their own algorithm to navigate a maze. These lessons will develop a number of the computational thinking skills

  • Tinkering
  • prediction,
  • problem solving
  • perseverance




We have had great fun thinking of names for our pizza company, many of the children choosing to use alliteration.  We have looked at instructional language, made our own pizzas and even designed our box labels during our Computing lesson.





The children have covered many topics this term.  In science they have considered what makes us, as humans, the same and different to other animals.  We have looked at the work of the artist Picasso and his interpretation of the human face and drawn our own faces in our own individual styles.




We have studied the text Aliens love Underpants, by Claire Freedman, which the children love and gave us opportunities for a variety of activities including looking at bossy verbs, using adjectives to describe an alien and instructions on how to get dressed.   This has also linked in to a computing lesson understanding how instructions to a computer need to be clear and precise and the qualities of a good Computer Science Learner like Ruby from Hello Ruby by Linda Liukas.

We have started to understand how to decompose instructions.








We have also been writing our own diary extracts based on the book Whatever Next by Jill Murphy.


To support our playground topic the children were asked to visit a children's playground and consider the features, what their favorites were and why.  Using the graphical modelling software Spex they designed their own playground, considering the ease with which the software allowed modifications and the ability to view their work in both 2D and 3D.



During Forest Schools the  children enjoyed their natural sculpture Halloween focused activity.  




We have looked at the differences between Schools Past and Present, considering how children dressed, the classroom discipline and the seating and writing materials used. A fabulous day at the Black Country Museum gave them an insight into this era. No guessing which is the favourite building on the site, yes it starts with sw... shop!!







Our text the Jolly Christmas Postman has given opportunities for role play to establish story sequencing and characterization.


Our focus on Diwali, perhaps the most well-known of the Hindu festivals, has included hearting the lovely story of Rama and Sita with the message of good overcoming evil. We have also learnt about other festivals and celebrations across a range of religions. We have made our own Diwali lamps and Christmas Cards with personal messages inside.

In Computing we begun to understand how we access the internet and used Google Maps and Earth to find a variety of famous land marks and our own school.








The exceedingly popular DT Pizza topic has seen the children working with a range of mixed media from creating a pizza in forest school using natural materials to using a computer to create the lids of their boxes.  The children have looked closely at a variety of ingredients and considered where they come from and how they are sourced.  They prepared their own preferred toppings at home, made the pizza bases in school and cooked them ready to go home in the boxes sporting their chosen pizza company name.  






Children, as part of their homework, undertook a walk around their local area and noted the things Northwick has to offer.  This included shops, parks, playing fields and of course pubs!!  We also carried out map work in class.


We grew cress in our science topic looking at the major parts of a plant, created a plant reference guide and sketched and painted a selection of plants.




We had a wonderful visit to Rays Farm where not only did we have an opportunity to make friends with a variety of animals but also visited the sculpture trail.  This has linked into our study of the work of Andy Goldsworth and we have been inspired to create our own natural art work during forest school sessions.







The traditional tale of the Three Little Pigs led us into the suitability of a variety of materials assessing their strength and waterproof properties.



In IT we have been using branching database to identify leaves of the trees in the school grounds.  We have also been text processing and creating our covers for our pizza boxes. 


There is always a great deal of excitement around our Great Fire of London Topic.   A 'big thank you' to all the adults who

had helped the children with their homework topic to make, in cardboard, a timber framed house from this era.   The model buildings were fabulous and enabled us to  recreated a London street and watch as the buildings were consumed by fire and learnt a powerful lesson in how quickly it spreads with devastating effect.












French taster lessons

Some of the children have had some French taster lessons this half term which has been lovely. The children are starting to count to ten and have learnt a song to remember the days of the week to the tune of Frère Jaques. Bravo les enfants!



The children have enjoyed their first topic of the new term, Toys Old and New.  Everyone brought in a toy and made a label to create a toy museum.  Parents and carers joined the children at the end of the school day to view their wonderful art work and museum.









We have studied the incredibly detailed painting Children’s Games by Peter Bruegel and discussed which games they recognise.   We are also looking at the work of the pop artists and creating our own Andy Warhole inspired animal prints using on the computers.


We joined Barnaby Bear on his travels around England, Scotland, Australia and Mexico, recognising national flags, studying food, buildings and art.





In our money topic we are learning to recognise coins and understanding their monetary value.  We have used our class shop in role play to help with this. 


In performance poetry the children have learnt animal poems, recited them and put actions to them.

We will be creating our animal puppets in D & T sewing project and our science topic is animal classification.


We had great fun programming our blue tooth beebots to navigate a route around a board.  We understand what an algorithm is and how tricky it is to give concise instructions.



We have had a lovely start to the term with a visit from Aliens!  The alien topic, based on the lovely story Aliens love Underpants, by Claire  Freedman, was great fun and gave us an opportunities for a variety of activities including looking at bossy verbs, using adjectives to describe an alien and instructions on how to get dressed.


We have helped Jack, of Jack and Jill fame, to create a playground to stop him climbing the hill and falling down all the time!!  We used the graphical modelling software package SPEX to design a safe and enjoyable environment for all ages.  The children were able to understand how using a modelling package on a computer enabled them to review and revise their designs.




We will also shortly be constructing our own models of playground equipment in DT.






Our science topic has been to consider what makes us, as humans, the same and different.  We have looked at the work of the artist Picasso and his interpretation of the human face and drawn our own faces in our own individual styles.







We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the Black Country Museum which supported out history project.









Forest Schools


Year 1 classes will be participating in Forest School this year.

Whatever the weather...........!!!!



Follow this link for timetables






Please visit this excellent educational website which the school subscribes to allowing all pupils free home access.  The logon details are the same as those used to logon to the computers in school and should be familiar to your child.  All activity is recorded, please encourage children to use it responsibly, it is a valuable learning tool.


Link to EducationCity


EducationCity, although moving towards HTML5, requires Flash Player for much of its content, so a free mobile Flash browser app called Puffin Academy, created specifically for teachers and students, needs to be installed for EducationCity to work on mobile devices. This is the case for both Android and Apple iOS devices.  Please find installation guide below.


Puffin Browser Installation Guide
