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Year 1 ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016

Welcome to Year 1

 From September 2016


Class Teacher Teaching Assistant
1RL Mr Richard Leighfield Mrs Tainty/Miss Richards
1PW Mrs Porter / Mrs Webber Mrs Myers/Miss Richards
1SH Mrs Stephens / Mrs Hartshorne Mrs Harris/Miss Richards


Year 1 Topics

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Me and You Toys Local Area /Plants
Playgrounds Animals Great Fire Of London
Light & Dark Where is Barnaby Bear? Materials
Schools Past & Present Inside A Church Pizzas
Graphical Modelling  Space  


Surgery Times

If you have a specific issue you wish to discuss with your child's teacher they will be available 
 between 3.15 pm - 4.00 pm on the following days.


1SP - Tuesday
1PW - Tuesday
1SH - Tuesday





We will be taking a walk around our local area to consider how the land is used and identifying plants and common trees. In ICT we will be using a tree branching data base (no pun intended!) to identify varieties of trees.


There is always a great deal of excitement around our Great Fire of London Topic.  The children love learning and researching facts of important people who lived in this era and key facts on the Great Fire.  Mr Cadle will visiting with many artefacts and the topic will culminate with our own real fire as the children observe how swiftly fire moves along a street of purpose built buildings.








We will be looking at sculptures and the type of materials used to create them.  There will be a visit to Ray's Farm with a tour of the sculpture trail and we are fortunate to have an artists in residence who will be working with the children to create a fantasy woodland project.


Our mantle project this term will be Pizzas.  We will decide upon a name for our pizza restaurant, create jingles to advertise it, design boxes and follow instructions and cook our own pizzas.



Our Toys topic has been great fun.  We have compared toys past and present, particularly looking at the materials they used.  We created our own fabulous toy museum labelling each article.  A big thank you to all the grandparents who leant us some really old and interesting toys to include in our display.






Our enterprise event saw the classes organise a ‘bring and buy’ toy sale which was extremely popular and raised £170.




We are about to start the Where in the World topic.  We will join Barnaby Bear as he visits countries all around the world teaching us about animals, climates, geography and much, much more.


We will be studying the inside of a Christian Church.  Identifying key objects and understanding their role such as; the alter and font.  We may also have a chance to visit St Stephens.


What a lovely way to finish the term.  Cooking and decorating chocolate cakes and making Easter baskets.  We watched chocolate melt and return to a solid form again as it cooled. 






What an exciting start to the new school year.  Barnaby Bear had a birthday party!  The children used all their senses, hearing, seeing touching, tasting and smelling.


We visited Sabrina Park to see how play equipment works and what makes an interesting and safe playground.  We then made models of a piece of play equipment using junk material and also used a  graphical design package to create our perfect playground.  We had to consider what equipment each age group would enjoy and most importantly where the adults sit!






Our project on Light included understanding the meaning of Diwali and making clay lamps.  We also studied symmetrical and rangoli patterns.



We had a fantastic time at the Black Country Museum.  Our main focus was to compare Victorian and modern day Schools.  We definitely prefer central heating, bright lights and no cane!!!


The Maths Christmas Mantle saw a visit from some very naughty Elves, thankfully the children soon showed them how to behave properly.  The children created wrapping paper using repeating patterns and learnt about direction and navigation programming bee bots to follow instructions.




Forest Schools


Year 1 classes will be participating in Forest School this year.

Whatever the weather...........!!!!



Follow this link for timetables


If this link is not working please navigate to: Parents/Curriculum/Forest Schools




Please visit this excellent educational website which the school subscribes to allowing all pupils free home access.  The logon details are the same as those used to logon to the computers in school and should be familiar to your child.  All activity is recorded, please encourage children to use it responsibly, it is a valuable learning tool.


Link to EducationCity
