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Year 2 ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016

Welcome to Year 2


From September 2016


Class Teacher Teaching Assistant
2SP Mrs Palmer Mrs Stallard
2RT Miss Taylor Mrs Smith

Mrs Garbett/Mrs Willerton

Mrs Tustin


Year 2 Topics

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Smoothies Homes and Buildings Explorers Past & Present
Poetry Materials Textiles-Beanie Babies
Instructions Multi-media Presentations Report Writing
Health and Growth Contemporary sculpture Plants and Animals
Winding Toys Limelight Larry Sea Creatures
Stories with a familiar setting   Deadly 60 mini films

Surgery Times

If you have a specific issue you wish to discuss with your child's teacher they will be available between 3.15pm - 4.00 pm on the following days.

2SP Mrs Palmer  - Tuesday
2GT Miss Taylor
- Tuesday

2GW Mrs Garbett/Mrs Willerton - Tuesday or Thursday




Please follow the link below to access the Government leaflet for parents with a child in year 2 at primary school.  It explains the arrangements for the 2016 academic year, highlighting what parents need to know about the test results, as well as explaining how teacher assessment judgements work.




During the summer term we study the life of Christopher Columbus and the impact his exploration had on the world.  We compare his journeys to those of our own modern explorers, Ellen McArthy, Tim Peake and Helen Sharman, who will be using the most up todate  modern technology compared to the navigational maps that were available to Columbus. 


In science we will be: pond dipping for mini-beasts; understanding a simple food chains; identifying plants and animals in their habitats, including micro habitats and comparing the characteristics of living and non-living things.

We will be investigating Mother Nature the designer, creating a natural textile collage and designing a sea creature Beanie Baby.


The Mantle will be based on the Deadly 60.  We will be writing non-fiction texts and creating our own mini films to record our findings.


In computing we will be learning about branching databases.  We will understand how clear and concise questions enable us to sort and identify objects.


This term we have studied buildings over the course of history including Celtic, Tudor and Georgian styles and some of the artefacts that would be found in them. We were able to study first hand the architecture of some the buildings from this era on our trip into Worcester City in particular the Cathedral, Grey Friars and the Guildhall.



In science we have looked at the properties and characteristics of various materials and suitable uses.


We have concentrated on using two adjective sentences and maintain the same tense in our story writing and also using (BOYS) but, or, yet and so to create more complex sentences and expanded noun phrases.

AUTUMN TERM 2015-2016








Please visit this excellent educational website which the school subscribes to allowing all pupils free home access.  The logon details are the same as those used to logon to the computers in school and should be familiar to your child.  All activity is recorded, please encourage children to use it responsibly, it is a valuable learning tool.


Link to EducationCity

