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Year 3 ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016

Welcome to Year 3

From September 2016


Class Teacher Teaching Assistant
3DM Miss McGann/Mrs Thomas

Mrs Morton

3ST Mrs Tipple Mrs Meakin/Mrs Fuller
3JR Mr Radburn Mrs Silver

Additional Teaching Assistant Support Mrs P. Aucott/Mrs Marshall-Watkins

Year 3 Topics

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
World Climates Invaders & Settlers Adventure & Mystery
Healthy Living Quests The Local Area
Flat Stanley   Plants

Surgery Times

If you have a specific issue you wish to discuss with your child's teacher they will be available between

3.15pm - 4.00 pm on the following days.

3DM Miss McGann - Tuesday
3ST Mrs Tipple - Thursday

3JR Mr Radburn - Friday




Our inspiring Science topics this term are: Light and how varying surfaces reflect it and how shadows change. The second topic will be observing plants grow and understanding their lifecycles.


Children will be looking at how and why aspects of our locality have changed and the impact it has on the community.


We are delighted that Dr Nigel Smith will be visiting to share his expertise with the children to enable them to create a stop motion animation film of their own design.


Our art work ties in nicely with flowers as we study the work of Georgia O’Keefe and use various mediums to create representations of flowers.


In RE we will be looking at the impact of ‘Prayer’ including how and why different religions pray.



In history our journey through time started with Stone Age man, progressed to Celts and Romans and finished with the Vikings. We studied how they lived and the famous uprising led by Boudica.  We also visited the Roman fort of Caerleon.







We have been studying myths and legends understanding how they differ and creating our own stories.  Our research has covered stories such as Beowulf and the Grendel. We will be using the Myths and Legend online software to create a digital book.  We have evaluated the web based Viking Quest game and have been learning to code using the Discovery Coding software.



Our Flat Stanley mantle has been based on lean and healthy living.  The children met Stanley who was significantly overweight and have used their powers of persuasion to create a more healthy lifestyle for him. 



We have explored climates around the world which included temperate, desert, Mediterranean, artic and tropical areas.












Please visit this excellent educational website which the school subscribes to allowing all pupils free home access.  The logon details are the same as those used to logon to the computers in school and should be familiar to your child.  All activity is recorded, please encourage children to use it responsibly, it is a valuable learning tool.


Link to EducationCity
